Monday, February 25, 2013


Today I made really ugly but pretty tasty cupcakes.

Today Jenny scored a great deal on diapers for me.

Today I had a cup of tea.

Today I'm still waiting for my husband and 3 big kids to get home.  They're setting up for the wrestling tournament tomorrow.

Today I planned a bit for tomorrows preschool. We're going to talk about eggs.

Today my mind wouldn't quit racing about what needs to be organized and what more I can get rid of.

Today I have enchiladas sitting on the stove.  They are now cold but it's dinner when everyone gets home.

Today I realized my youngest is almost 4 months old.

Today Annabelle got student of the week.

Today Bennett gave me an extra sweet goodbye when I dropped him off at wrestling.  He usually gives some very sweet goodbyes. 

Today Eliza spent a lot of time playing with play dough.  She also went to wrestling practice in her pajamas.  


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