Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In the News

My mom found this article in the Grand Rapids Press.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We can handle the heat!!

After all, that's what summer is all about!!!

Our Palmer....

loves my shoes! (He goes to the door and gets them himself.)

and is a very cooperative player of hide and seek.
(he's very still and doesn't budge until we uncover him.)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

30 Weeks

I had my 30 week appointment on Thursday, May 20. There is never anything too exciting to report at this point yet but here are the bits of info I got...

The baby's heart rate was between 138 and 140.

My stomach measured one to two centimeters smaller than it did 2 weeks ago but that has a lot to do with the position of the baby.

My blood pressure was 110 over 54.

My 32 week appointment is on June 3rd. I'm really feeling like the count down has begun!

A song and a joke or two

Bennett loves to make up jokes and songs. Here is his latest song...

Steaming hot lights
Lion crust
and when the hawk lands down
the lion sneaks up on him and eats him

And here's one of his jokes...

Q: What's a piggie when it's not called a piggie

A: A meatball head

And because Annabelle is standing here she has something to say too. Here is a song by her the best that I could catch...

Who is the piggie called a piggie
No one knows a piggie
The girl knows the piggie
The girl picks her up
That girl picks that little piggie up

And a joke:

Q: Who is called a piggie

A: A Tootie Wa

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Annabelle: Gracious and Beautiful

Also known as: Annie Girl, Annie B, Anner Bananner, Bootie Girl, Bootie Baby, Bootsie, Anna
Sweet Girl, You are so loved. We are so thankful you are a part of our family. We love watching you grow. Here are a few things that make you you at 3 years old.
1. You are a cuddler. When laying next to us you rub our hair, arms, or back, or hold our hand.
2. You have a strong opinion about your clothing and often pick out your own outfit. You prefer dresses or skirts with leggings. You will not wear jeans.
3. This is your favorite doll. You call her Lisa.

4. Your favorite breakfast is toast with peanut butter or cereal with milk.
5. You love to dance. You also love wearing your "tapping shoes."
6. Your facial expressions tell us a lot about how you are feeling or what you are thinking.
7. You like taking baths as an activity, not just as part of your daily routine.
8. You enjoy helping me clean. Your favorite job is spraying tables and windows and wiping them down.
9. You can be ferociously stubborn one minute, and the next you say or do something that completely melts our hearts.
10. You are very content just staying home and can find things to play/do on your own.
11. You have a great time playing outside in the rain.
12. You're always concerned about where your brother is and what he's doing. In addition, you have him wrapped around your finger. He'll do just about anything for you if you ask the right way.
We love you Annabelle Elizabeth!!

Bennett:Little blessed one

Also known as Big Man, Boots, Bubs, Bebo, B, Chubs, Bojangles, Baracuda

We love you Bennett because you're you! We wouldn't change one thing about you. Here are a few things that make you your very special 4 year old self!!

1. You want to help in any way you can, in any activity you can, whether it be making dinner or helping in the yard or garden.

2. Your favorite activities are riding your bike and having competitions with your matchbox cars.

3. Your favorite snack is a "granoler" bar.

4. You coined the family phrase, "I love you the most in everything."

5. You like everything to be a competition but still have a tough time losing.

6. One of your favorite books to look through is the Sibley Guide to Birds.

7. Your favorite outfit to wear at the moment is a red sleeveless shirt, basketball shorts, and running shoes.

8. You get very excited to "work out" with Dad and take it very seriously.

9. You take good care of children who are smaller than you.

10. You have been preferring a "shower bath." You shower while the tub fills with water then finish rinsing in the bath water. Also, you like to wear "slip and slide jams" at bedtime so you can run and slide on the floor a few times before going upstairs to bed.

11. You have a real enthusiasm for life and get so excited when you see or do new things. And you get just as excited when you can share those experiences with others. We love watching your face light up. It's like we get to experience it for the first time as well when we watch you.

12. You can make your sister laugh like no other.

We love you Bennett Darrin!!!

Made me laugh...Made me cry

Here are my first Mother's Day school projects from Bennett. I just LOVE them :). I especially like the picture Bennett drew of me. I like that he drew me with a baby and flowers in my hand. If you double click on each picture it should come up bigger so you can read them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More about baby

I had my 28 week Dr. Appt today.

I saw Dr. Clark

My blood pressure was 100 over 60 which has been normal for me.

I drank the orange syrupy liquid and had a blood draw to check for diabetes. I will get the results of that next time.

The babies heart rate was 133. Baby kept kicking or punching at the doppler.

My stomach measured 27 centimeters so right on track with that.

I am down to having appointments every 2 weeks so my next appointment is scheduled for May 20th.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I have a kitchen window sill full of treasures from my two greatest treasures. Dandelions, lilacs, pinecones, nut shells and rocks are currently what I see when I stand at my kitchen sink. I personally think dandelions are the prettiest flowers around! I will be so sad when my window sill is no longer lined with treasures so I'm enjoying it while I can.

And here is a treasure of a different kind. Darrin, Bennett, Annabelle and I made a trip to the Kuntry Korner Discount store. We got a ton of stuff for 98.00 which isn't unusual. We got several packages of diapers. The above is one example. This box of diapers was $13.00. You can get this same box of diapers on for $33.49 which they say is a $6.00 or so savings from what they would sell for at a retail store. We are stockpiling diapers which can be expensive up front because you have to take them when they come, but it will save us a ton in the long run!

After the store, we went to a really nice greenhouse in Centreville. It was like a field trip for the kids. They had so much fun. Bennett picked out a plant to put in the yard and Annabelle picked the flowers for our flower box.
Around town I've been seeing signs for a CSA Farm. I've been so curious about it so we stopped and got the number. I called and left a message (it was an answering machine for several different Amish families) so I'm hoping to hear back and get more info soon. Has anyone ever been a part of this or know anything about it? I only know a little but am wondering if it would be worth it.