Tuesday, March 6, 2012

shaving cream!!


A common Eliza look.

Annabelle's class on Valentine's Day.

Dress Up

School Valentine Parties

Valentine Story Time at the Library

Boy Wonder got a new singlet for Valentine's Day...Colon Magi colors. He'll be representing next year when he wears it to tournaments. No more Hamilton Hawkeyes. On another note, there was spring picture day on Monday. I forgot about it. The kids happened to want to match that morning and both wore their Colon Wrestling Club t-shirts. We get proofs in their backpacks the same day they are taken. Annabelle pulled hers out to show me and I started cracking up. Then Bennett came home and I immediately took his out to look at it. Very funny pictures. Glad they aren't the ones in the yearbook. Dad was proud :)!