Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just a few randoms

These pictures are several that were taken the last few, magnificent weeks of summer.  We attended our first White Caps game, celebrated Eliza's second birthday by taking her out for ice cream (despite the fact she wasn't feeling too well), had picnics and fun with friends, and took a trip to Belaire, MI where we swam in lake Michigan, visited a nature center and enjoyed the street carnival in town (among other things.)  It was a wonderful summer!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I must catch up on this blog of mine...the only real scrapbook I keep.  That will require a little backtracking which will also require more time than my sleepy body will allow but I wanted to share a few pictures from today...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

 Yes, three backpacks were needed.  Eliza will be left out of NOTHING!