Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bennett's 2 and 1/2 year photos and Annabelle's 18 month photos


Jenny said...

good job on the pictures! first of all, I really like Annabelle's tank top on her! :) second, I really like the last picture of Bennett, he is looking older. Also, I am trying to figure out where you took these. Maybe I can take Macey's 2 1/2 year pictures there too!

Em said...

Elizabeth, you have really great looking kids!!! AND, you are great at taking pictures!! you are my hero!

TheGeerlings said...


Brenda Lee said...

Way cute Ron! I really don't know what we would do without the internet to keep up on everything.

TheGeerlings said...

As funny as this may sound, I think Sadie is so invested in her special underwear that she won't pee in them! She picked them out (Dora), and the first time she wore them (April - before we really started training her) she had an accident and absolutely screamed like crazy. She did not want anything to happen to those panties! Sometimes she goes running for the potty, but so far she has made it every time! Now we just have to work on peeing in places away from home. She always wants to go home if she has to go to the bathroom! Kids are so funny! I also have the competition "chip" to play - as do you - Brynn is getting more and more interested in the whole potty training thing, and Sadie insists that she's not "big" enough yet. When Brynn did actually successfully use the potty last week, Sadie was big-time jealous! A friend of mine insists that boys play harder and are not as apt to go on their own, so that may be what's going on with Bennett... Good Luck!

Brenda Lee said...

I can't wait for a new blog update...:)