Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just some ramblings...

Just some this and that...

I'm coming up on 35 weeks pregnant with  baby #4 (a girl).  Still feeling great.  We can't wait to meet her.  We have her named picked and Darrin who is often wishy washy about name choosing right up until the end said the other day "yes, that is a really good name for her."  Perfect.

Darrin's birthday is this coming Saturday.  I asked him what he wanted to do.  He decided on going out for dinner to Pizza Hut as a family.  I can handle that.

It's homecoming this week at Colon.  The kids and I just got home from the Powder Puff game and as I type this Darrin is walking in the door.  He had to stay for the bon fire that followed the game.  The homecoming football game is Friday which the kids and I plan to attend (unless the weather is really ugly).  Darrin sits in the booth on the headphones. 

Our preschool group started up last week.  This month and next months theme is anything fall related.  We have table time, snack, centers, playtime, clean-up and lunch.  It's great for the moms and kids. It's a good feeling to know Eliza is having fun learning and being social with friends.  

I'm steadily working on Christmas shopping and hope to be done soon...before baby arrives is my goal.  This year Annabelle seems to be the easiest for me to shop for.

Bennett has been asking for several weeks now to be a ninja for Halloween.  I kept saying "we'll see."  I dislike spending money on Halloween.  I was planning on looking for things around the house to turn him into a ninja but today at the Amish store I found a costume that originally sold for 15.00 at CVS for a whopping 2.50.  It's pretty cheesy but he is happy about it.

The kids' school year is going well so far.  We just love their teachers.  Both have been teaching for over 30 years.  They absolutely know what they are doing and how to handle the ages they work with and both still update things based on the changing times.  Couldn't be happier.

Guess that's it for now.  But I'll leave you with a picture of our sweet girl that was taken in early August.  Those 4D ultra sounds are quite amazing!

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