The boys thought our Playsation 2 was so outdated :)
Annabelle was working on her name yesterday while Bennett was at school. She's been doing Ann for a little while now but yesterday I taugt her the small [a] so she could write Anna. We're almost halfway done with her name :).
I got my haircut today...spur the moment...short...with bangs...and without telling Darrin. He was very surprised. I think it's going to take a bit for him to get used to. I like it. It's going to be very low maintenence but it has a style.
While we were there I asked if they had time to cut Annabelle's hair. They did and I'm so mad I didn't have my camera. She's had her hair cut before but never in the salon. She even had it washed. They gave it a good trim and added some layers so you can really see the big ringlet curls under the top layer of her hair. It looks cute and she did awesome! She got in the car and said, "Mom, I did so good! I sat still and didn't even cry. But I didn't talk to the lady." One thing about Annabelle is that she talks...a ton...but not in front of people she doesn't know so she's very easy for me to take places because they *think* she's so well behaved :).
On another note, we took Bennett to the kindergarten round up last Thursday. He currently is in our schools title one preschool. He qualifies for that this year because his birthday is one day before December 1st. He won't qualify next year because of this same reason but it does mean he technically qualifies for kindergarten in the fall. We are NOT sending him to kindergarten at 4. We will wait until the following fall.
But we have determined that these are the options for Bennett this coming fall. I would LOVE to have him in the title one preschool again which is 4 half days. I'm hoping if they have spots still available at the start of the school year they will find a loophole to get him in.
Another option is all day every day pre-k. We're not fond of the all day every day thing as that's part of the reason we're not sending him to kindergarten but it's an option we need to keep open just in case. We asked if we could divide his time with another little girl whose mother does not want her in all day every day either but the state requires that those enrolled meet a certain number of hours in the classroom.
And our third option for Bennett is to send him to Leonidas kindergarten which is 3 full days. The catch is that it's at a different building and is primarily Amish children. It's part of our district and is taught by a very nice, young, non-Amish teacher. But it's in a different building- (about a 15 minute drive from our house) so I'm curious how long the bus ride would be for him. The little girl whose mother doesn't yet want her in an all day every day program has chosen this as her best option so Bennet would know this little girl and would likely ride the bus with her. Despite the fact that this is kindergarten, we would have Bennett repeat kindergarten at the main elementary school the following fall. We have a while to decide so I'm done worrying about it especially now that I know my options for him.
And I guess that's all for now. Sorry...I feel like the above ramblings have horrible sentence structure but I'm too tired to edit. Have a great night!
Where's the picture of yours and Annabelle's haircuts???? :) And I say go Amish. Think of the stories he will come home with! Too bad Mace can't qualify for that school yet or they could go together...
haha..Jenny and I are thinking the same thing. I was going to ask where the hair pictures were. Sounds like you guys have a lot to think about for Bennett, it's so hard making a decision about what is best for school.good luck!
I'm with Jen and Megan...want to see the new DO's!!! :)
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