Started preschool the second week of January. He loves it. We haven't had any problems with not wanting to go like we did last year. I can definitely tell he's older and more ready for it. He initiated asking to go because he found out a little boy named Jacob, who's in wrestling with him, would be in his class.
He was JUST old enough to be a part of our districts brand new MYWAY wrestling program. Darrin got it going and was the coach. He very much enjoyed the practices but we tried a competition and he wasn't as excited about that. We'll try again next year.
We're in the process of getting her signed up for a dance class. The original classes are full but the dance teacher thought she had enough interested people to start another class. We haven't heard back from her yet but hope to soon. Annabelle often asks, "are we going to dance class today?" She loves to wear "tapping shoes" and leotards with skirts.
Her new thing is to wear a bathing suit around the house. And she would take a bath several times a day if I let her. She prefers bathing in her suit, but with or without, she loves her baths either way.
Started the MYWAY wrestling program at Colon this year. It's for children Bennett's age up through middle school. He had a good turnout and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. I'm used to seeing him coach older students so it was fun watching him with little ones.
The winter sports season will be *mostly* done at the end of February and that will be NICE. Spring brings a slightly better schedule for Darrin and means we're nearing the end of another school year.
I'm almost 14 weeks pregnant and feeling fine. I have been hungry and if I start to feel a little "off" it can be cured with some food. I better start slowing down soon otherwise I will be gaining more weight than I'd like :).
I just started reading a true life novel called Half Broke Horses. It's good so far. I give up on a book if it doesn't capture my interest quickly but I have a good feeling I'll make it to the end of this one.
I like how you updated on everyone, even you and Darrin :) I'm curious how much longer we have to wait to hear from dance class. Is this our sign to look into gymnastics? And I had fun updating your blog...I'll do a makeover on it whenver you want.
Yep, I agree with that you updated on everyone. Glad Bennett likes school..isn't it so nice when they want to go versus not wanting to go! Great pictures and nice new updated blog page!
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