Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Adelene loves shoes!!  All shoes.  But usually other people's shoes.  She loves slides and being outdoors in general.  She's a screamer.  Has been since infancy.  We had to leave a restaurant once when she was a baby because she wouldn't stop doing this loud and constant shriek just because she thought it was fun.  Now she screams when someone touches her, touches her food, helps her when she doesn't want help, doesn't help her when she does want help, etc.  The list could go on.  She has a great laugh and smile.  She's ticklish.  She says words but chooses when she wants to say them.  She likes cheese and broccoli a lot.   And she still adores her blanket(s) (as now we have a back up) but the original one with the frayed corner is still very important to her.  She must have it when she is ready for bed.

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