Friday, November 21, 2008

*quotes of the day*

Jenny suggested I try doing a "quote of the day" for each of the kids. She's been doing it a while now. I know I won't keep up as well as she does but I'm going to give it a try. It's always hard for me to remember at the end of the day the countless funny things they say :)

I have to preface this quote by Annabelle. She was standing on the porch watching my mom pack up her car. She cupped her hand behind her ear, gasped and said, "ta ta doodoodoo Dammy!! You hear it? " Translation "Cock-a-doodle doo Grammy!! You hear it?"

Last night Darrin was trying to get Regal to pick something up off the floor. Bennett in a voice that kind of said "Duh" said, "Dad, she can't pick things up because she doesn't have hands."

Bennett said something this morning that I thought about writing but I'm not sure how it even went. I said goodmorning, he said goodmorning back and told me the sun came and got him up and that he was a king and something about the moon. Not real sure about that one. It was almost like he was sleepwalking :).

So there you have it. I will try to keep up. Maybe I should do a quote of the day for Darrin and I. I'm making myself laugh right now just thinking of all the possibilities. Have a great day everyone and enjoy the weekend!!


Jenny said...

good one Spice. I like the story Bennett gave you in the morning..I wonder if he had been dreaming? And where did the cockadoodledoo come from? too funny....keep it up!

Brenda Lee said...

I'm so happy you started a "quote of the day" even if it isnt everyday. Since Dolly can't talk I might have to come up with some good ones that Keith and I say. Although some of them might not be appropriate to post... :)