Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So, I'm a substitute bunco player for a bunco group that plays about once a month. It's basically an excuse for 12 ladies to get together to talk and have good food and drinks. I got to play on Sunday and was looking forward to it. It was a good time but I always seem to do something that makes it look like I'm drinking too much while I'm there. First, I was standing on a rug on their slippery wooden floor and leaning against the counter at the same time. The rug slipped on the floor causing me to slide forward and splash my drink on my pants. Then when I tried to compose myself I realized when I slid backwards, the back of my pants got caught on a handle of the drawer so needless to say I was having difficulty standing up.

Another problem I have during bunco is keeping score. I usually try to avoid this task but thought I should give it another try, especially if I'm going to be playing bunco more often. It is SOOOOOO easy to keep score (for most people) but apparently I seem to have great difficulty in counting the number of 6's (for example) in a roll while also trying to pay attention to the conversation. They seem to be on another roll even before my eyes have the opportunity to see all the dice. ARGH! And putting the score in the correct column (WE/THEY) is a whole other story. Lets just say, it looked like I was trying to cheat. It gets kind of embarrassing. But anyway, on to other things...which I think I will write about later. I'm going to TRY to post a picture now.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

oh spice, you had me laughing. I don't even know how to play bunco, maybe you can teach some of us and then you can have practice keeping score? :) ps. I am glad you figured out how to post pictures.