Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Bennett Blurbs-
Bennett pedaled his tricycle all the way to the pharmacy and back on Monday. He required a few nudges from the stroller every now and then. He (and I) really enjoy this piece of newfound independence.

Bennett surpised us the other day by copying Oprah (I'm so proud) and saying Colorado as clear as day. So Darrin and I started asking him to say other states that are tough to say and he does awesome!! If only he knew what these words were and why we were making him repeat them... :)!!! Massachusettes and Mississippi are our favorites to hear. I'm going to try to get this on tape and post it for you all to hear.

Annabelle Antics-
Annabelle continues to surprise us every day with her rapidly growing vocabulary. Nothing that comes out of her mouth surprises us anymore! She even puts two words together. We also continue to practice her animal sounds. She's good at cow, sheep, dog, and duck sounds. I'll try to get some of her words and sounds on tape as well.

Annabelle had her 15 month checkup on April 18th. She was in the 85 percentile for her weight and the 90th for her height. They said she looks great but we do need to make sure she doesn't get above that 85th percentile. I've banned the stroller for some of our walks and am making her walk as much as she can. Darrin reminded me that she didn't start walking until 14 and 1/2 months so she had that much less time to walk off her baby fat. But again, she looks great and is developing very normally. That's always great to hear!!

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