Friday, August 12, 2011

It's all about experiences!

Our library had a program called "Drummity" one Thursday evening in July while the kids were at VBS. I was interested so I went on my own to see what it was all about. It was so cool and I was so bummed the kids missed it so I asked her if she'd be anywhere nearby in the next couple of days. The following Saturday she was going to be in a town nearby (even smaller than Colon). It was a different experience on Saturday because there weren't as many people but it was more laid back for the little ones. This lady had a variety of percussion instruments and does a program with them that is hard to explain. It's was a really cool hands on experience that introduced them to some basics of music and percussion instruments. FUN FUN!!

We are so thankful to have so many people in our childrens' lives who give them the opportunity to experience such neat things. Recently our neighbors took our kids tubing behind a boat. They definitely want to go again and actually hollered at them the other day when they saw them outside, "can we go tubing?!?!"

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